Sunday, November 29, 2020

November is Picture Book Month! Review: Latkes for Santa Claus by Janie Emaus

Latkes for Santa Claus by Janie Emaus. Illustrated by Bryan Langdo. unpgd. Sky Pony Press, October, 2020. 9781510759886. (Review of finished copy courtesy of the author.)

Anna emails Santa for the first time on her iPad. She informs him that she's celebrating Christmas for the first time with her new dad and stepbrother and thinks he might be tired of cookies, so she's planning on leaving him the best treat ever. The only problem is, she's not sure what. It doesn't help that Michael, her stepbrother assures her that his cookies are the best Santa treat ever. He also informs her that Santa doesn't answer emails.

At first, she zeroes in on matzo ball soup as the best, but Michael reminds her that, "Santa can't eat soup with his fingers."  When Anna imagines Santa attempting this, she realizes that matzo ball soup won't do. How about Aunt Bea's noodle kugel? That can't be eaten with fingers either. Tzimmes? Nope!

Finally, Anna realizes the perfect finger food! Her mom's potato latkes are the perfect treat for Santa. She adds them to Michael's plate of cookies. Not only is the plate empty on Christmas morning, but Anna receives an email from Santa!

Ah, the December dilemma. Thirty-five years ago, I married a Jewish man in a civil ceremony. He wasn't particularly religious and both of his older siblings married outside the religion. His parents were accepting and welcoming. I suggested that we choose the Jewish holidays over Christmas and Easter. I was not at all religious and didn't mind. My husband did. He adored Christmas. He wanted a tree and presents. He also wanted Hanukkah, so we merged the two holidays. Our tree doesn't go up until Christmas Eve and all our decorations are decidedly secular - Santa, snowmen, birds, and the like. Years when Hanukkah and Christmas overlap are challenging. We found our way. We also celebrated others and observed Shabbat in our own way. 

I would've loved to have had this book when my kids were small. The cheery, energetic illustrations are appealing, as is the rhyming refrain each time Anna imagines Santa handling the various foods. The recipes for sugar cookies and potato latkes are an added bonus! This is such a fun book and not just for families who merge the two holidays!

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