Saturday, March 30, 2013

Cover Coincidence(s) Hearts and Trees Edition

It's Saturday, so it's Stacking the Shelves time. I posted my haul earlier and began clicking the links on Tynga's Reviews to see what other bloggers got. 

One of my first stops was The Twins Read and that's when I noticed that every one of their books had a heart of some sort on the cover!


 Their blog featured the cover on the left. The American cover is on the right. Perhaps one of the rose petals is heart-shaped?

Hearts on covers is not new, nor is it particularly rare. I just thought it was fun that all the books they received this week had a heart of some sort on the cover.

As I continued to visit other stacks, here's what I found on Books Bones and Buffy - trees:

And these reminded me of this book that arrived this week in a box of review books for my book evaluation group.

What cover coincidences have you noticed lately?

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, love this post! I notice things like this all the time too. Glad I could offer some inspiration:) (Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy)
