Thursday, October 24, 2019

Picture Book Review: Hey, Dog! by Tony Johnston

Image: Charlesbridge
Hey, Dog! by Tony Johnston. Illustrated by Jonathan Nelson. unpgd. Charlesbridge, June, 2019. 9781-58089-877-5. (Review of finished copy courtesy of publisher.)

Full-disclosure: I am an unabashed dog lover. There isn't a meme or video featuring a dog that I will ever not view. Those vids of dog rescues are especially compelling to me. So it goes without saying that I adore this book. 

An earnest bespectacled boy spies a stray dog shaking with fear in the bushes near his house. When he attempts to approach, the dog darts away. Thinking the dog might be thirsty, the boy fills a frisbee with water and places it near the spot in the bushes where he first saw the dog. Later, the water is gone. Thinking the dog must also be hungry, he leaves food along with more water. Later, he thinks that the dog might be cold and brings a blanket out to the bushes. He is the perfect model for compassion and empathy as he constantly tries to anticipate what the dog will need. His relationship with his mother is lovely. He feels comfortable sharing his concerns and she quietly supports him.

The spare writing is very child-centric, simple and direct and works well with the black-lined, cartoon illustrations which are also quite spare. Teachers and parents searching for a non-didactic read-aloud to teach attributes such as empathy, patience and kindness will love sharing Hey, Dog.

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