Saturday, February 19, 2022

What's New?

"Stacking the Shelves" was a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It seems the blog is gone though, so I will just continue to post a "What's New? post whenever I receive new books. 

For Review: I schedule these for Saturday mornings and this lovely book arrived in the mail in the afternoon last Saturday! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to read and review is before its book birthday this past Tuesday. I'd nominate Ms. Swartz as queen of empathy. Her novels always feature sweet characters who are dealing with relatable mental health issues, such as anxiety. I'm hoping to read this during my break this week.

Dear Student by Elly Swartz. 296 p. Delacorte Press/ Random House Children's Books, February, 2022. 9780593374146.

Publisher synopsis: When Autumn becomes the secret voice of the advice column in her middle school newspaper she is faced with a dilemma—can she give fair advice to everyone, including her friends, while keeping her identity a secret?

Starting Middle School is rough for Autumn after her one and only BFF moves to California. Uncertain and anxious, she struggles to connect with her new classmates. The two potential friends she meets could not be more different: bold Logan who has big ideas and quiet Cooper who's a bit mysterious. But Autumn has a dilemma: what do you do when the new friends you make don't like each other?

When Autumn is picked to be the secret voice of the Dear Student letters in the Hillview newspaper, she finds herself smack in the middle of a problem with Logan and Cooper on opposite sides. But before Autumn can figure out what to do, the unthinkable happens. Her secret identity as Dear Student is threatened. Now, it's time for Autumn to find her voice, her courage, and follow her heart, even when it's divided.

Purchased: nothing!

What's in your mailbox this week?

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