Every time I see a meme on social media with three owls (and you'd be surprised how many times I do), I always think of the book, Owl Babies by Martin Waddell. This precious picture book was a favorite of my sons when they were small.
Owl Babies by Martin Waddell. Unpgd. Candlewick Press, October, 1992. 9781564021014. (Purchased)
Sarah, Percy and Bill wake up one night to discover their mother is GONE! Sarah, the eldest, takes charge and immediately begins reassuring her younger siblings. Percy goes along a bit reluctantly but Bill just continually exclaims, "I want my mommy!" The text is reassuringly repetitive and reflects a common childhood fear, separation anxiety.
Soothing and humorous as the text is, it's the illustrations that take center stage. The textured cross-hatching is quite lovely as the three little owlets cower on their branch in the dark of night. The owlets look real enough but also like they'd be having a conversation about their missing mama.
I often include a either a board book or hard covered copy in baby gift book baskets I make for new parents.
we loved this one too!