Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday

TTT is hosted by Broke and Bookish an this week's theme is Bookish Confessions. 

1. I used to review every book I read. That was back before I decided to try to read a book a day. Writing is a painfully slow process for me and reviews always take a long time to write.

2. That said though, I am now so far behind in my reviews that I haven't been reviewing books that I have loved. 

3. My treatment for cancer this past year put a severe crimp in my both my reading and reviewing.

4. I usually cringe when I reread my reviews (and always find typos).

5. I rarely abandon books. Many times, it's not the book, it's me, my mood. Sometimes, the book just needs a little time. And sometimes, I just become morbidly curious to find out just how bad the book is. Some folks have chided me, telling me not to waste my time reading something that I'm not enjoying. It's kind of a (silly) badge of honor for me.

6. As a school librarian, I make a concerted effort to read across genres, but mysteries and horror are just not my thing. I'm too much of a scaredy-cat to read horror - have to do it in one sitting, like ripping off a bandaid or jumping into the pool. Mysteries just annoy me. Except Agatha Christie or P.D. James.

7. I have a monstrous tbr pile. Really. I call it TOM, as in The Obscene Monster. TOM fills four bookcases. I will never even make a dent in TOM because there are over 400 books there.

8. I didn't go to ALA Annual in June, partly because of the guilt I feel about all the books on TOM, but mostly because I had no desire to spend any time at all in Las Vegas.

9. I rarely borrow books from friends because I might not get to it immediately and it will be swallowed by TOM. I stopped borrowing books from the library because of this. My fines probably partially funded the new wing of my local library. I now restrict my library borrowing to audio books, which are usually read promptly.

10. The trend of inserting gifs every other paragraph annoys the heck out of me. One well-placed, apt gif is tolerable, but growing old.

1 comment:

  1. TOM! I love it! I am going to go rename my TBR pile TOM :)
