Monday, September 27, 2021

Middle Grade Monday: Stef Soto, Taco Queen

Image: LBYR

Stef Soto, Taco Queen by Jennifer Torres. 176 p. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, January, 2017. 9780316306867. (Own)

Happy Monday! We were gifted yet another crisp fall weekend to get out and enjoy. I hope you had a great one. Middle Grade Monday features Stef Soto, Taco Queen by Jennifer Torres. This charming novel was published in 2017 and was Ms. Torres' debut. I reviewed it for School Library Journal back then and so, it hasn't appeared in any Daily Book Talk here.

Estefania "Stef" Soto is a seventh grader who wants what any seventh grader wants, to fit in and have friends, and also to ride the bus to school. However, her over-protective, immigrant parents say no and thus, her papi picks her up each day in Tia Perla, his beat-up taco truck. She spends weekday afternoons with him doing homework at his truck while Mami works evenings as a cashier. She tries not to feel jealous when things come so easily to her friends, especially her former friend, Julia. But then a city ordinance changes regarding food trucks and the Soto's financial situation may not be certain.

Readers who enjoy family and school drama and relatable characters will cheer for Stef Soto.

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