Tuesday, March 2, 2021

An Aside

This post started as an aside in this review. It grew too long and potentially distracted from the review, thus this post.

I had an online conversation with an author who blogs yesterday about an interview he had posted. I shared that I enjoyed the exchange very much. He thanked me and said something along the lines of, "No one reads blogs anymore, but I like doing it."

That statement kind of stopped me in my tracks. No one reads blogs anymore? Well, I do. His blog is in my feed along with quite a few others. Granted, ten or so years ago, when blogging went through a crazy kind of competitive "follow me and I'll follow you back" thing, I had nearly three hundred in my feed, which I eventually pared down to fifty or so that I actually read. But I still read blogs and judging from my stats, a steady number of people read mine. He is right about one thing though, I do it because I enjoy it. It has become a habit. 

I'd like to think that blogs are still relevant and that those still doing it are doing it out of love of literature and sharing that love, not pursuing free books. I buy or borrow as many books as I get for "free" and those books are either placed in my school library's collections or donated (Never Counted Out is my fave place to send books).

What say you?

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