Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday Memes - Zero Tolerance by Claudia Mills

Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader and the Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice.

Zero Tolerance by Claudia Mills. 240 p. Farrar, STraus and Giroux, June 18, 2013. 9780374333126.

Publisher synopsis: Seventh-grader Sierra Shepard has always been the perfect student, so when she sees that she accidentally brought her mother's lunch bag to school, including a paring knife, she immediately turns in the knife at the school office. Much to her surprise, her beloved principal places her in in-school suspension and sets a hearing for her expulsion, citing the school's ironclad no weapons policy. While there, Sierra spends time with Luke, a boy who's known as a troublemaker, and discovers that he's not the person she assumed he would be—and that the lines between good and bad aren't as clear as she once thought. Claudia Mills brings another compelling school story to life with Zero Tolerance.

First Line: Sierra Shepard sat in the office at Longwood Middle School during lunch recess 5A, waiting to see her principal, Mr. Besser.

Page 56: "The TV cameras drew closer as Sierra and her mother walked together down the front steps of the school. When they reached the sidewalk, a woman with perfectly coiffed blond hear, every strand welded into place by industrial-strength hair spray, was by Sierra's side, pointing a microphone toward her."

I'm participating in a blog tour for this book. Look for my review on September 5th.

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